Great Western Trail (board game)

Great Western Trail (board game) ''Great Western Trail'' is a board game designed by Alexander Pfister for two to four players, which was published in 2017 by Eggertspiele. It is a complex and strategic 'Eurogame', loosely themed on the American frontier and the original Great Western Cattle Trail, in which players engage in the transportation of cattle. A second edition was published in 2021, for one to four players.

The game is also known as 그레이트 웨스턴 트레일 (Korean), ''Great Western Trail: La Gran Ruta del Oeste'' (Spanish), ''A nagy western utazás'' (Hungarian), グレート ウエスタン トレイル (Japanese), ''Great Western Trail: Aventură prin Vestul Sălbatic'' (Romanian), ''Великий западный путь'' (Russian). Provided by Wikipedia
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